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AI Solution

We Use AI to Make Advertising More Accurate

In addition to the common banner-style image advertising, we hope to have a smarter way of advertising, so we combine advertising with AI, especially for e-commerce companies with a large number of products, how to save manpower and improve budget efficiency is always the biggest issue.

The solution provided by Tagtoo is "DPA-Dynamic Product Ads."

DPA (Dynamic Product Ads), based on consumer activity records on e-commerce websites (browsing, buying, adding to shopping cart, etc), and concatenating AI computing technology to deliver personalized advertisements for customers.

This strategy has long been proven by data in FB and Google to improve results!

Custom Audience Tags

Custom Audience Tags

AI Analysis

AI Analysis

Send Customized Messages

Send Customized Messages

Not Just Traditional DPA Ads

We even added a new AI model to increase advertising effectiveness
AI model image
Tagtoo's system will automatically analyze the user's behavior on the website, and segment it according to the customer's target audience, and combine Tagtoo's database data to find out the type of audience that meets the customer's conditions
and lets the system automatically find similar target user audience, and will recommend suitable products to consumers through advertisements

Audience Segmentation to Make Advertising More Precise

Number and Frequency of Visits

Number and Frequency of Visits

Conversion Action

Conversion Action

Site Behavior

Site Behavior

We found that the cost of testing a new audience each time

is more than twice that of existing audiences!
Coupled with the 3~5 days waiting for the machine learning of the advertising system, the new audience attempts are not effective enough
in addition to human investigation and intuitive judgment, Tagtoo has found a more effective and systematic way to expand its audience.
AI case learning image

Tagtoo uses a lot of data analysis and learning to
find out consumers’ browsing behavior on the website

According to the consumer's usual habits, distinguish the consumer's degree of importance on the website. Through the analysis of the degree of severity, the advertisement can be delivered to the truly high-value consumers, and the high-efficiency advertising goal can be achieved.

More than that, Tagtoo can find more audiences with similar behaviors and help customers discover more potential audiences.

We can even target and exclude advertising audiences with high stickiness who have not completed the conversion goal. Through the data analysis of the AI ​​model, we will make your advertising more effective.

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